Import Shopify to WooCommerce


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This is GPL Plugin 2023.


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Import Shopify to WooCommerce helps you migrate data from Shopify to WooCommerce easily. With only 2 steps your Shopify products(including images) and categories will be migrated. The plugin uses Shopify API key to transfer data from Shopify to WooCommerce store directly, your data is kept private. With the premium version, you can also migrate store settings, shipping zones, taxes, pages, blogs, coupons, customers and orders.


  • The plugin works based on WooCommerce plugin.
  • It is released on and you can use the plugin as free to build themes for sale.


  • Products per ajax request: Change this option to avoid bad request error, default is 5
  • Import Products sequence: Change the order to import products by Title, Created date or Updated date
  • Import products: Import unlimited products from your Shopify store to WooCommerce
  • Product variations: All product variations will be imported with your current stock, price… in your Shopify store
  • Status of products: Can set status of imported products to publish, pending or draft
  • Product categories: Product categories will be remained, can choose to add all products to specific categories
  • Migrate images: Product images, gallery and variations images will be queued to import to avoid overload of your server
  • Logs: You can review the migration process in log files


► All features from free version.

► WEBHOOKS: You can use webhooks to automatically import/update new data for Products/Orders/Customers.

► IMPORT PRODUCTS from CSV: In case you don’t use API, this is what you need to migrate your products

► IMPORT PRODUCT BY ID: You can choose specific products to import by entering product ids

► IMPORT PRODUCT OPTIONS: Besides some options like the free version, you can do more with the pro version:

  • Metafields: You can import metafields of products such as SEO title, SEO description…
  • Barcode, Vendor, Product type: It’s possible to choose which product post meta to import barcode to and which taxonomy/post meta to import vendor and product type to
  • Migrate description images: Images in the product description can be easily migrated to the WordPress site and images sources(URLs) will be replaced correctly after that
  • Products filters: If you don’t want to import all products, there are some filters available such as product type, collection ID, published before date, published after date. And you can also select the sequence products are imported

► CRON UPDATE PRODUCT: Schedule to update product price or quantity automatically

► UPDATE PRODUCT OPTIONS: Able to update product images, title, inventory, description, price, SKU, attributes, slug after products are imported to WooCommerce store

► ORDERS: Payment method, shipping method, first name, last name, company, country, address, zip, city, province, phone, total, subtotal, tax, discount, shipping cost, currency, date create, browser IP, customer user agent, line items, discount code, order number, order fulfillment.

► IMPORT ORDER OPTIONS: Orders per ajax request, Import orders created/imported at or before/after date, Import Orders sequence

► UPDATE ORDER OPTIONS: Able to update order status, order date, order fulfillments

► CRON UPDATE ORDER: Schedule to update orders automatically

► STORE SETTINGS: Site title, admin email, store address, city, country, state, postcode, timezone, weight unit, currency code, currency format.

► SHIPPING ZONES: shipping zones and shipping methods.

► TAXES: Tax name, tax rate, country, province, zip, shipping.

► PAGES: Title, content.

► BLOGS: Blog title, blog content, categories, tags, featured image.

► COUPONS: Coupon types that WooCommerce support, coupon amount, usage limit, expiry date, minimum amount.

► CUSTOMERS: Import customers per ajax request, first name, last name, phone, company, address, city, province, zip, country.




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