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Last Generation strikes again. This time eco-activists blocked some streets in Bologna . It happened on the morning of Monday 30 October, when a group of 12 environmentalists carried out two road blocks: one on Strada Statale 64 Porrettana and the other on Strada Statale 9 “Via Emilia”. The activists sat on the roadway, blocking the circulation of cars, unfurling orange banners with the words “Repair Fund” and wearing a sign with the names of the victims of the Emilia flood.
The protest began at 8:16 am, peak time. Subsequently, two by two, the demonstrators tied themselves with chains . A lane was subsequently freed to allow a car with its sirens on to pass, transporting organs. Some impatient motorists, however, got out of their cars and tried to take away the banners and move the demonstrators. The police arrived on site around 8.39am and began clearing the road around 8.42am, allowing normal traffic to resume by 8.51am. The police, after breaking the chains with tongs, finally loaded the people, who were passively resisting , onto the police cars and took them to the police station for the necessary checks. According to what was announced by the Police Headquarters, 15 activists have been identified and will be reported for road blockade and unauthorized demonstration.
“They would like to be heroes but they look more like criminals”, commented the League with a statement from the group leader in the Municipality, Matteo Di Benedetto. And again: “The Last Generation activists have taken to the field with the mission of preventing the people of Bologna from going to work. They don’t care if there are those who have to put bread on the table. They say random numbers to justify their actions , repeating them like a mantra and continue to prevent people from carrying on with their lives without at the same time doing something for the environment. We invite them to go to work, to do research if they care about the environment and to earn a living and then understand what they are suffering others because of them .”
The procurement code wanted by Salvini accelerates overbuilding, making us even more vulnerable to floods and assigning million-dollar orders without any tender which increases the risk of mafia infiltration. pic.twitter.com/f1GlnjA7ef
— Repair Fund | Ultima Generazione (@UltimaGenerazi1) October 30, 2023